Background Verification Company - Backoffice India
Background Check and Verification is a Technique of orderly inquiry about a Person or a Company. We can check Financial, Criminal and Individual records through this method.

It is, at all times, better to financial institutions and banks to be cautious; futuristic frauds and same kind of fraudulent exercises can be dealt with in time. If you are searching for a screening service, BackOffice India standout amongst the most reputed Background Verification Agency in Delhi NCR, India

These sorts of Verifications have become Obligatory when we appoint experts for financial institutions, Insurance Agency or a Banking Sector. In the event that your prospective employee happens to be defaulter with an unsafe obligation history; the odds are higher that he may enjoy any sort of theft, once you hire him.


Core Expertise
Core Process Focus
Risk Distribution
Reduced Operational and Recruitment Costs
Backoffice India has great expertise in this field - Effectively the Screening can be completed faster and with better quality output.
Outsourcing to Backoffice India gives the organization more time to strengthen their core business process.
Outsourcing specificsections of your screening procedure would assist you to shift certain tasks to Backoffice India – which being a specialist, can plan your risk-mitigating factors better
Outsourcing to a Backoffice India can help you cut staffing and operational expenses to an immense degree. This is one of the critical rewards of offshore outsourcing

We give different types Background Verifications/ Checks for the Financial and Banking Sector. We maintain all required standard of Verification Checks in Banking and Financial Industry.

We can conduct Background Checks for various purposes, i.e. before hiring an Employee, Address Verifications, Company Checks and suspected people in the region.

At our Company, we carry out these Checks with great precision and authenticity; we would be grateful to assist you with whatever kind of data you needed, which could cater to your pre-requisites.

We are known as one of the best Background Verification Companies in India. Our experienced staffs conduct screening according to your specific needs. We do perform the following:

» Identity Verification - With occurrence of employee database violation and identity scams increasing, Know Your Customer or Customer Identification Program is very important for making an informed verdict and is recommended for all background check company.

» Address Verification - Address Verification Service, also called AVS, is a type of screening that is used to prevent any address related fraudulent. Address Verification Service is based on the verification of the address of the applicant.

» Employment Verification - A screening program that includes verifying academic and works credentials, along with a criminal screening is vital to protecting an organization and providing a safe work environment.

» Company Verification – We do the verification of the previous companies at which the potential employee has worked. If you are an organization considering outsourcing a company verification services, you have come to the right place.

» Educational Verification – Qualification verification is an integral part of any background check. Educational history provided by an applicant can often be imprecise or curtailed. Backoffice India Education Verification validates an applicant’s educational qualifications by authenticating that a diploma, certificate or college degree was received.

» Credential Verification – Credential screening provide a safe, cost-effective way for companies to authenticate an applicants’ credential status in order to make a wise and sure judgment about appointing, promoting and reimburse employees.

“Hire Us For Accurate And Reliable Background Verification Services”
Background Investigation teams at Backoffice India are well versed in this Field. We hire the best specialist that market has to offer. We believe in staying up-to-date in the investigation field and use modern tools and applications to carry our Verifications.

Some of the popular Services for Background Verification Companies are:

Pre and Post Employee Background Check
Pre-employment screening or in layman term “back ground check” is the procedure of inspecting the historical data of employees e.g. managers, senior managers, and any C-level position workers before appointing them.

A high ranking employee or the person above manager position having access to confidential information regarding the company plays an important part in his/her company. If the employer appoints the wrong candidate, the overall performance of the firm can be in jeopardy.

We verify the reliability of what candidates declare and inspect any potential proof of any work ethics as well as fraud (if any).

We are a trusted background verification companies with our head office in Delhi. Pre-post employee background check is one of our most popular services in the market.

Our Employee screening services includes-
» ID verification
» Education verification
» Previous employment verification
» Professional reference check
» Address Verification
» Suspicious activities verification

Benefits of Hiring Background Verification Companies
» We will help you identify the “long term” employee, who will stay at the company for a long time.
» Employee fraud, theft, drug abuse, workplace violence and litigation prevention
» Preventing money and time lost on employee training and development by hiring the suitable candidate
» Create safe and protective workplace environment


What is a Background Check?
Also known as background verification and background investigation is a procedure done by many agencies all over the world. The activities involve - searching and compiling financial and commercial records of a person or a company.

The cross-check entirely depends on the requirement of our clients. We assist our clients identifying the core area as per their reason of background verification.

Why should I trust Background Verification Company in India with my project?
Backoffice India has been working with some of the biggest organization in India and around the globe. We are providing various types of services including background check services to our clients for a very long time now. We have “THE” best screening team that today’s market has to offer. We use modern tools and application to stay competitive in today’s market.

How should I know a Background Verification company is the best for me?
There are no typical background verification check tariffs since different companies, and even different fields inside the similar company will have various criteria concerning what makes up a qualified candidate. Backoffice India recommends that organizations should hire a background check services based on their business necessities.

Where to get a background check in India?
If you are looking to hire a background verification company then why not us? But when hiring a background verification company in India, you should focus on four key factors i.e. experienced screening staff, competitive pricing, online 24/7 availability and most importantly confidentiality. You can get in touch with us anytime you like.

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